
Monthly Archives: April

3 Benefits of Receiving a Deep Dental Cleaning From Your Dentist

While most seek the help of dentists to ensure their pearly whites look the best as possible, few go to the necessary lengths to go above and beyond. Dental health is key, and featuring the best smile possible puts you ahead of all others. However important dentistry is to you, there remains far more for

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Fluoride in Toothpaste – Is it Good, or Bad?

Wondering about fluoride in toothpaste? If so, take a journey with me back to your childhood for a moment. For some, the trip will be pleasant, for others, less so. The destination? Your Dentists office. Cue the dramatic flashback music! I’m sure most of us can recall sitting in that super-cool space-age chair, swishing and

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Five Reasons to Get Wisdom Teeth Extraction Done

For all people, prioritizing dental care means prioritizing looking your best and living the healthiest way you can. Parts of dental health include orthodontics, dentistry, and more. Every once in a while, your teeth will need more work than you would like. Perhaps that means a root canal, a pulled tooth, or wisdom teeth extraction.

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